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Stealth Wise Account (Personal)
Provided by Stealthwise, included in the package:
1. passport/ID scan + selfie holding the document + utility bill. Nationality of account holder cannot be chosen by you;
2. mobile phone number;
3. VPN to build and access the account from anywhere in the world;
4. verified email address (we use;
Before the account is delivered to you, it will be tested with some small transactions, but it will be delivered without any funds in the balance. If you wish to age the account with transactions higher than 50 USD and keep the funds in the balance, just let us know and we will include these in the final price.
After the account is created, to use it properly you must have:
1. your phone number, to switch from the existing one. Must be the same country;
2. a VPN provider for the chosen country;
You will use the VPN to access the account, then change our phone number with yours. To do this, our representative will be online at the same time as you.
Price: 120 USD for a tested, fully verified Wise personal account with zero balance + all documents listed above + email access
Not included after account delivery: mobile phone number, VPN provider.